You may wonder: "But, I don't have an educational product to name". OK. But, you soon will. So, let's learn how to name it right now.
You may ask, "Why will I soon have an article?" Because when you have an article, you can attract interested people to your website to get that article (if it is named wisely). They may pay directly for your article, or they may simply give you their name and email address in exchange for your article - and PRESTO - you have begun building your email list. Congratulations.
The way to generate traffic to your website is to offer them something for going to your website. The way to "squeeze" them to give you their name and email address is to offer them an article.
There are THREE kinds of articles:
* Typed Article (this is what you likely imagined as what an article would be). And, these could be an article, an eBook, or a Special Report.
* Audio Article (this is simply a voice recording. You can do this on an audio recording device, cell phone or most computers these days)
* Video Article (this is simply videotaping instead of typing)
Which type should you employ? Here are my answers:
* If you are just getting started, use the method which is easiest for you. If you like typing, use that method. If you would rather just talk instead of type, then audio record your article. If you would love to be in front of a camera, then get a FLIP video from any high tech store and begin videotaping yourself or others. Choose one.
* If you are a little more advanced, then do two or three of these techniques.
* In fact the cleverest approach is to do one approach, the easiest for you, and then repurpose it into the other two. For example, if you typed it, then just read it to get your audio and then stands in front of a video camera and read it again to get your video. It's easy. If you have audio-recorded it or video-recorded it, there are loads of cheap services which will transcribe that into text for you.
Once you've got an article (typed, audio or video), how do you name it powerfully so that people will really want it?
Here is the secret ... use a number. That's it. Just use a number.
Instead of entitling your article:
* AVERAGE -"Obama's Re-election"
* GREAT - "The Three Reasons Why Obama's Re-election Is The Most Important in American History"
Instead of entitling your article:
* AVERAGE - "Sell Your Home Fast"
* GREAT - "The 6 Little-Known Ways to Sell Your Home Fast"
Instead of entitling your article:
* AVERAGE - "Advice on Getting a Higher Price Selling Your Home"
* GREAT - "The #1 Best, yet Often-Ignored, Way To Sell Your Home At A Higher Price"
Instead of entitling your article:
* AVERAGE - "Delicious Chocolate Chip Cookies"
* GREAT - "The 5 Proven Ways to Make Delicious Chocolate Chip Cookies"
You get the idea now. Then, you need to type or voice or video the answer to create your article. There are three sources of wisdom to do this:
1. Your Own Wisdom
2. Google
3. Experts (just interview them)
Now, you know The One Secret Key to Naming. Notice that I used my own idea in naming this section.
Source: Raymond Aaron.
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