A collection of articles published in different topics from article writing, article directory, Online articles, SEO marketing, Blogs, Blogging Make Money Online, about Life and anything in between.







Monday, December 3, 2012

How To Hire The Best Catering Service #ExpertWriter

Organizing a huge party, whether it’s for a wedding, anniversary, birthday or even a corporate event, the main thing people hate about it are the multiple details that need to be ironed out in order to ensure its success. From deciding on the theme, to the venue, to the decor, to the guest list and the food to be served, it’s stress, stress, stress all the way with no relief in sight. That is until someone suggests hiring a catering service. You can check IconEventcatering website to read more about the advantages of hiring the best catering services for your event planning.

The advent of event or party planners and catering services has made party planning so much easier and something you actually look forward to rather than dread. These days, catering services not only take care of the menu as they did solely in the old days, they are also able to do complete event management – from suggesting venues, to hiring the sound system to be used. All you need to do is choose the best catering company and you’re all set.

But just how do you go about hiring the best catering companies? First of all, you need to realize that hiring the best catering company like Icon Event Catering will depend on your budget. Don’t be afraid to go online and compare prices – make sure you also note down the inclusions and exclusions. Also, you need to consider catering companies that offer you flexible options -- this includes being able to design a menu to suit any theme or budget. Their aim after all is to please customers and make them feel special by accommodating their needs. You also need to note that catering company rates depend on location and the menu you choose as well.

List down your considerations like the type of event and whether it’s going to be a formal one or not, your menu ideas, the number of guests you plan to invite, your potential venue and the budget or cost per person. Make sure you choose a catering company that will work with you and not force their suggestions or preferences on you.

Another advantage of hiring the best catering company is that you can be sure that only the best food will be served. However, remember that menus are not created equal and if you have no idea what would be the best food to serve at your event, the best catering company will be able to make suitable suggestions from the appetizers, to the main course to the desserts. Once you have narrowed down your list of possible candidates, make sure you set up a brainstorming and food-tasting session so you can get an idea of what type of service they offer and check Iconeventcaring website to see if it all works for you.

Also, you need to check how much experience a catering company has in event planning, as well as their track records. You can do this by checking out each catering company’s website for customer testimonials and reviews which are honest appraisals of their work. Hiring an experienced catering company will also ensure that you need not worry since you are in capable hands. Experienced catering companies will always know what to do in any situation, will know how to handle unexpected emergencies to make sure your party runs smoothly.

And last but not the least, never compromise on anything. If you want to get the best and hire the best, make sure you hire catering companies that also do not compromise on the quality of ingredients they use for their food and the level of service they provide their customers. Check iconeventcatering.com.au and get an idea of what the best catering services are like and what stress-free party planning should be.

Source: Stephen John Icon Event Catering

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

How to Make Money Writing Online and Content Marketing #ExpertWriter

Article writers using content marketing often overlook content readability when composing their articles. Writing articles online for money must not only consider motivating readers to buy a product. To make money writing online, authors must also provide readable quality content.

With the advent of Google's stated goal to improve a user's search experience, many websites and articles lost their coveted positions in Search Engine Ranking Positions (SERPs). It is now, more than ever, that quality website content writing is king. Writing online for money as a means of 'gaming' the search engines through keyword stuffing, article blasts to thousands of article directories, and weak, poorly structured website content writing are gone.


Readability measures the grade level needed to understand any document. There are several schemes that are used to determine readability. The Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level is one of better known and most used measurements. Your content writing can be much improved if you incorporate this measure into your article writing.

Although it has come under criticism for its simplicity, Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level scale is still widely used and can give you an idea of your article's readability.

You can determine your article's readability with the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level scale which assigns a grade level to the written material. MS Word provides a readability statistics feature found under the spell check tab that determines your article's grade level reading score.

There are free utilities on the web that allow you to copy and paste your document and the utility will return the grade level score. There are others. Online-Utitility.org is one. You can find them with a 'free readability tools' search on the internet.

You can also use the Google 'more search tools' feature found at the bottom of the left navigation bar when doing a Google search and choosing 'reading level'. The organic results will show 'basic', 'intermediate', or 'advanced' reading levels for each of the page results.

Although, the results may not be 100% accurate, they do give you an idea of the grade level that your article or page is written at. It may seem that I am putting much emphasis on readability and quality content. It is important to note when writing for the web that the content be easily understandable by your targeted reader. You make make money writing articles online by targeting your reader.

Ideal Reading Level

If you dumb down your website content writing, the reader may feel insulted and dismiss your words. If your words are too pedantic, readers may accuse you of flaunting your knowledge. You may have quality content, but not readable by your targeted audience.

What is the ideal reading grade level? The answer eludes me. Many claim that the national average reading level is eighth grade and that article writers should write at that level or lower when writing for the web. I have yet to find any evidence to substantiate that claim or that you will make money writing to that grade level.

Studies have been conducted by various governmental agencies under the U.S. Department of Education and by independent private agencies on various aspects of literacy throughout the United States, but I have yet to find any authoritative data that specifically identifies the national reading average to be at the eighth grade level.

Adult Literacy in America

The study most often cited as the source of the eighth grade reading level claim is a 1993 study, Adult Literacy in America: A First Look at the Results of the National Adult Literacy Survey, by Irwin S. Kirsch, sponsored by the National Center for Education Statistics. You can review the results yourself at the National Center for Education Statistics.

However, the study does not specifically state that the national reading level average is at the eighth grade level. In fact, the study's committee "… agreed that expressing the literacy proficiencies of adults in school-based terms or grade-level scores is inappropriate."

The study did survey levels of literacy skills ranging from Level 1 to Level 5, with Level 5 being the most difficult or the highest skill level. The survey did show that about half the population performed at levels 3-5 and half performed within the lower levels 1 and 2.

SERPs and Readability

Nevertheless, if we accept the various reading level scales like, Flesch-Kincaid, article writers can improve their content marketing to more closely match the acceptance of targeted readers. In addition, Google and other search engines may or may not look favorably on the webpage or article and rank it higher than one that Google deems to be written at an inappropriate level as evidenced by the Official Google Blog

For instance, an article written at the twelfth grade level about building a tool shed may not be looked upon as worthy of Google's definition of maximizing the user search experience. An article on the same subject written at the sixth or seventh grade level might well fair much better in the SERPs.

On the other hand, writing an article on the Literacy Statistics of Migrant Workers at the fourth or fifth grade level would not fare well with academic readers and probably not with the search engines.

The point is that article writers should consider readability when writing articles. The effort does not need to be an all consuming effort. Readability can easily be checked with one of the tools I mentioned earlier.

Be aware of the end user. The more you comply with Google's goal of "providing the best user experience possible," the more favorably the search engine will rank your writing for money efforts.

Source: C.A. Perez. Writing articles online for money can be very profitable. WRITING FOR THE WEB

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Double Your Income Using the #1 Secret Key to Naming Your Articles Or Ebooks #ExpertWriter

You may wonder: "But, I don't have an educational product to name". OK. But, you soon will. So, let's learn how to name it right now.

You may ask, "Why will I soon have an article?" Because when you have an article, you can attract interested people to your website to get that article (if it is named wisely). They may pay directly for your article, or they may simply give you their name and email address in exchange for your article - and PRESTO - you have begun building your email list. Congratulations.

The way to generate traffic to your website is to offer them something for going to your website. The way to "squeeze" them to give you their name and email address is to offer them an article.

There are THREE kinds of articles:

* Typed Article (this is what you likely imagined as what an article would be). And, these could be an article, an eBook, or a Special Report.

* Audio Article (this is simply a voice recording. You can do this on an audio recording device, cell phone or most computers these days)

* Video Article (this is simply videotaping instead of typing)

Which type should you employ? Here are my answers:

* If you are just getting started, use the method which is easiest for you. If you like typing, use that method. If you would rather just talk instead of type, then audio record your article. If you would love to be in front of a camera, then get a FLIP video from any high tech store and begin videotaping yourself or others. Choose one.

* If you are a little more advanced, then do two or three of these techniques.

* In fact the cleverest approach is to do one approach, the easiest for you, and then repurpose it into the other two. For example, if you typed it, then just read it to get your audio and then stands in front of a video camera and read it again to get your video. It's easy. If you have audio-recorded it or video-recorded it, there are loads of cheap services which will transcribe that into text for you.

Once you've got an article (typed, audio or video), how do you name it powerfully so that people will really want it?

Here is the secret ... use a number. That's it. Just use a number.

Instead of entitling your article:

* AVERAGE -"Obama's Re-election"
* GREAT - "The Three Reasons Why Obama's Re-election Is The Most Important in American History"

Instead of entitling your article:

* AVERAGE - "Sell Your Home Fast"
* GREAT - "The 6 Little-Known Ways to Sell Your Home Fast"

Instead of entitling your article:

* AVERAGE - "Advice on Getting a Higher Price Selling Your Home"
* GREAT - "The #1 Best, yet Often-Ignored, Way To Sell Your Home At A Higher Price"

Instead of entitling your article:

* AVERAGE - "Delicious Chocolate Chip Cookies"
* GREAT - "The 5 Proven Ways to Make Delicious Chocolate Chip Cookies"

You get the idea now. Then, you need to type or voice or video the answer to create your article. There are three sources of wisdom to do this:

1. Your Own Wisdom
2. Google
3. Experts (just interview them)

Now, you know The One Secret Key to Naming. Notice that I used my own idea in naming this section.

Source: Raymond Aaron. www.giftfromraymond.com

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Care and Feeding of Your Wireless Network #ExpertWriter

So you've decided that you want to set up your Internet connection to provide wireless Internet access. You might be switching from a wired network for the 1st time, or maybe this really is your 1st experience dealing directly with an Internet service provider. Regardless of the reason, you're going to want to take some time to set this up right, because although it may seem daunting at 1st to set up the wireless network, a little research ahead of time can save a lot of aggravation later.

Get a quality product

The 1st step, assuming that you've already secured Internet access, is to obtain a wireless router. It can seem simple enough to just go to the store and get whichever router is cheapest, however much like tissues or kitchen knives you'll notice a distinct difference in quality if you base your choice solely on the price point. A cheap router might from suffer performance issues or outdated security standards, and a venture outside the established brands (3Com, Belkin, and Linksys, among others) is a gamble when it comes to customer service and support.

When selecting a router, you should look for the following features:

* 802.11n wireless standard, also known as 11N or Wireless-N. This would be the current wireless standard, which uses multiple antennas to better handle traffic.

* Wi-Fi Protected Setup or WPS security. This would be the latest in wireless security, created for its user-friendliness. Some devices even come with push-button configuration to make setup easy on the user.

Shop around a little first and get some feedback regarding your options. Don't just depend on online reviews or the opinion of the sales staff; talk to your friends, family members, and co-workers about their experiences with wireless routers. There really isn't any substitute for hands-on experience with a product like this.

Well, of course, you're gonna get hop-ons...

If only one piece of advice could ever be given about wireless networking, it would be this: secure your wireless network. Some people deliberately leave their networks open to provide access to neighbors or visitors, while others simply never secure their networks in the first place. This is probably the worst thing you can do with a wireless network. If your buddies and neighbors really need access to your network, that you can provide them the key. Leaving your wireless network open completely defeats the point of having security on your network.

Manage the Frequency

Aside from the standard "power-cycle the modem and router" advice, there are some basic steps that you can take to keep your signal strong as well as your performance excellent. 1St, remember that wireless routers broadcast on certain frequencies (the 2.5 GHZ band, to be precise). If you're certain that you really should be getting signal and instead you're getting reduced signal or interference, try looking for additional devices in your home that might be broadcasting on exactly the same frequencies. Interference can also be caused by additional nearby wireless networks choosing to use the same specific channel as your router, usually due to default settings on the router.

Source: Margarit Johnson. I work from home and handle all the local seo services for my clients.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Article Marketing Tips You Need To Know #ExpertWriter

Writing is a great means of generating money through the internet. There is no need for you to write a book or a magazine or to hunt for an editor looking for articles. The internet provides many avenues for the marketing of your articles. So take a look at these article marketing tips to get an idea of what you can do through the internet.

One of the most important article marketing tips you have to be aware of is that fact that readers read your matter or content for some form of information or the other. So make sure that the article provides them with the information they were looking for when clicking on your article. It is even better if you place something interesting and informative in the beginning of the article.

To be successful in the marketing of your articles on the internet, another article marketing tips is to keep the articles as short and as simple as possible. It is better if you use short paragraphs in the article while being concise and precise. Make it a point to talk directly to the reader while trimming unnecessary fat and not running around bushes. The objective of the article is to be as lean and as meaningful as possible. Internet readers have a habit of scanning through articles and dont have the patience to scan through too long an article.

Placing the readers benefit in the title of the article is a great article marketing tips. This is sure to draw more readers to your articles as it gives it more of a reason to read your article. You will find that there are numerous article directories on the internet. Taking advantage of these article directories is a great article marketing tip.

You can give your articles the exposure they need by submitting to the many popular online article directories. The reason it is better to submit to these article directories is that there are usually large clienteles looking for articles in these directories.

It is quite beneficial for you to use auto-responders when setting up your articles. Having a master auto-responder is an important article marketing tips where you can list all your articles. If you have your own site, posting articles on your site is an article marketing tips you have to implement. With the posting of articles on your site, you can build trust and creditability and at the same time, generate keyword drawn traffic from search engines.

Another article marketing tips to consider is using RSS feeds to syndicate your articles. All you have to do is to place articles in RSS fields and then syndicate them to interested parties. Affiliates prove to be very beneficial in marketing your articles. All you have to do, according to another article marketing tips is to make use of any affiliates that you may have. All you have to do is to let the affiliates brand your articles with the IDs of the affiliates and in the process; your articles get the necessary exposure.

You could consider cross referencing your articles by placing extra links to your articles and also by placing links of your articles with other ezine editors and webmasters. So in a way, you are both helping each other, and this is another article marketing tip to reckon with. And one of the greatest article marketing tips is to place all of the most popular articles you have in an e-book. This e-book can then be branded and passed around; and this is a great viral technique that helps in your article marketing.

Source: Richard Sharp is the owner of Global News Article

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Can You Really Use Articles To Build Your List? #ExpertWriter

Getting customers to your site should always be ranked as high as the importance of the quality and the excellence of the product and the services you provide. They should go hand in hand in providing your customers the satisfaction they get in exchange for the money they have paid for them. Customer service should as well be as fantastic so that the customers are provided with the same satisfaction.

One of the ways you can combine marketing and customer service is through opt-in marketing. With an opt-in list you get the opportunity to introduce your site and products on a good time basis. Opt-in marketing strategy is a marketing strategy that is virtually low cost and not time consuming. Here, you get the consent of your website visitors to subscribe to your newsletters and other promotional materials such as catalogs and free promotions.

Opt-in marketing uses your list of subscribers to send e-mail to. These e-mails will contain the materials you will send to your subscribers. It is essential that you present your promotional items in a manner that will catch the interest and the eye of your subscribers to keep them wanting for more. The best way to do this is to provide fun, entertaining and informational articles.

Well written articles full of content and useful information will help in building your list as more subscribers will be enticed to your list. When they have read the samples of your contents in your sites, they will be intrigued as to what will come next. Subscribing to your newsletter will offer them a glimpse of what you have to offer next.

Many sites and companies have captured the importance of articles and this also aids in search engine optimization. As more people are heading towards the internet for their information needs, serving the right information to them via articles in your site will increase the flow of your website traffic. With more traffic, the percentage of your sales will grow. More sales turn into more profit.

There has been a rise for the importance of well written, information enriched and keyword packed articles for the content of websites as well as for newsletters. These articles provide the information many are seeking on the internet. If your site has them, more people will be going to your site for information and research.

Well written articles would also boost your sites reputation. If they are filled with alot of information you will be regarded as well informed and an expert on the subjects that you tackle. Your articles must be well researched so that the people will trust you. When you have gained their trust, they will always come for you for their needs on that subject.

To aid you, you must write articles or commission them to tackle subjects that are closely connected with your type of business. If you have a site for a medicine tackling a certain disease, your articles must be about the diseases. Or if you sell materials for home improvements provide articles with those themes. Most articles searched for are tips, guidelines, methods, manuals and such. If you provide these articles to your customers and you have their trust, they will always go to your site for help and advice as well as for your products.

With the loyalty of these customers, they may subscribe to your opt-in list to receive all the information you have. If you provide them with the answers for that need, they will be happy to be receiving your newsletters as well as other promotional materials to keep them well informed. Others may even forward your newsletters to other people when they find a certain article interesting.

You should provide links in your newsletter so that when other people are reading it and wants to read more, they may click on the link and go to your site. With the articles you have in your site that are good, they may decide to sign up as well for your opt-in list. This will build your list and make it bigger.

Make sure to keep your subscribers happy and interested in your newsletters and promotional materials. Keep on posting and writing good articles for your site and newsletter. If you are not interested in writing them or if you just don't have the time, there are many available well experienced and knowledgeable writers available to help you out. This is an investment that will pay for itself in time.

Source: John Emmanuel is the owner of http://www.EZProfitsSite.com and reviews popular home business ideas & opportunities.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Share Adsense Revenue and Get Paid For Your Articles #ExpertWriter

There are many Article Directories on the Internet vying for you original articles. Some of them are for free and some of them charge you to post your articles. Most of the article directories make money and the ones that do not are the ones that are not able to generate traffic to their web site.

I work hard to create quality articles. And the reason I work hard is that I want to get traffic to my web site so I can generate income through Adsense or through sales. The more traffic I can create the greater my income. This is not a difficult concept to grasp and most of the people that create and post articles on the Internet have grasped this concept.

I have thought about creating a web site for article submission for myself because I believe that is where the big money is. But I released that I am not good enough when it comes getting good placement with search engines or getting high page ranking. So for now I will stick to what I know.

I have notices a new trend developing over the last year or so. Article Directories are starting to realize that in order to get quality articles they need to do one of two things. The first is to get the page rank of the article directory high enough that quality authors will be eager to post with them. The higher the page rank, the better the back link to your web site. A better the back link means more visitors to your web site.

The second thing that some article directories are starting to do is sharing the Adsense Revenue generated by your article with you. Article Writers that have found article directories that have started sharing the revenue are flocking to the article directories to post articles. This means that the article directories can be a lot more quality oriented and will reject trash articles a lot quicker.

The good article directories will use both concepts and that is why I have created this article. I have found several article directory web sites that now share the adsense revenue generated with the authors that post with them. I have created a page on my web site that contains all of the article directories that I have found so far and as I find new ones I will update the list.

If we all utilize the services of the adsense revenue sharing web sites then sooner or later the rest of the article directories will have to follow suit or go out of business.

You will want to book mark this page and check for new directories once a month or so.

I do not endorse any of the sites, please read terms and condition carefully for each website. It’s your responsibility to thoroughly investigate the legitimacy of each site before handing over your AdSense ID to them.

Source:David Cowley has created numerous articles on Anti Aging. He has also created a Web Site dedicated to Anti Aging and how to treat it. Visit http://www.aging-team.com

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Benefits of Using Human Article Rewriter Service for Article Rewriting #ExpertWriter

Myself, I like to write, but I am terribly slow and I make a lot of mistakes in spelling and grammar. I was always afraid to let someone else put into writing, what thoughts were coming from my head. I have used several article rewriting software programs and I liked them, but again, its time consuming, you have to learn them, like them, and trust them, which takes more time, and at some point in your busy business life, you have to start thinking about time management, especially if you are running three businesses like I am.

I signed up for a free trial at a company that I researched and used about a year ago when they first opened. I had created a document for a new product that I was marketing. Something that had taken me months to finally rewrite several times and when I was finally done, it was what I wanted to say, but I didn't like the way it sounded.

I then decided to stop wasting any more time picking this poor document to death and let someone else take a stab at it. About two days after I submitted it, I received an email saying it was ready to proof, reject, or accept. Reject? I had never even thought that this was an option, but after reading what the article rewriting service had come back with for a finished product, I gladly accepted and paid the very modest fee, knowing I was done and would never have to write another article again. This was a great relief to me, as one long, boring duty had been eliminated from my daily or weekly chores

I suppose many of you readers are like me, and after trying a live human rewriter for your first time, you'll have the same smile on your face and thoughts in your head that came to me. Finally, no more writing!

However, there are plenty of times that the good old article rewriting software comes in handy. Weekends when no one is around. At times when the rewriting service is backed up, or if you are hot on a product or site that was just released and you want to be the first to get the word out. At times like this, the trusty article rewriting software is there to bail you out.

While I am on the subject of article software, I just want to say, and i know many will agree with me on this, but although we ALL want to create the first article out there, and be the first person to get an article into the internet pipeline, it always seems someone is ahead of you. This has happened to me several times with a hot item that I did not want to wait until Monday to get nation wide coverage with. This is when I bought my software rewriter as a tool, as I originally started with a real live human rewriting service.

I reviewed and found that not only was Article Marketing Robot a very cool rewrite tool, but I could also use it to submit to 600-1000 article directories in about twenty minutes. Simply amazing at any price. This alone, was worth writing an article about, but I wanted you can see the video of it in real time, so it's on my site live. I guarantee it’s worth every penny when you look at JUST the time saving part of it.

To get back to my usual rant about a human rewriter for your articles, I found that Human Rewriter Version 2.0 is the NEWEST and Best Article Rewriting Service for any article marketing promotion. Any article can be completely rewritten and this is NOT spinning! Article promotion made easy and fast. You can pick quality article content that you know speaks about the exact topic that you want, then add in your own ideas and words to create a completely rewritten article, free of copyright infringement or duplicate content, which nobody wants.

Source: John Bump is a computer tech support expert from Maine and does internet marketing reviews for many products. Article Rewriting Services

Monday, January 30, 2012

Article Cloning for Fun and Profit #ExpertWriter

Ok ... The title is a bit misleading as there is no fun or profit involved in article cloning, but I got your attention! Article cloning, which is also called article spinning, or article rewriting, is the process of taking an original article and changing it so that it seems like a new article.

This process is not really a bad thing if done by the original author or a public domain article rewritten manually, but can become a mess when done using an article cloning program. There are several article cloning programs available, and they all pretty much do the same things, turn a good article into a bad one.

What does an Article Cloner do?

Most cloners have options to replace certain words with similar word that may (or may not) mean the same thing, add blocks of text at the beginning, middle and end of existing articles and move blocks of text around.

Using the word replacement option, a line of text from the original articles is changed from this

...The Caption will display directly above your table. Kind of like a title! Your site visitors with normal browsers will not see the summary unless they view your pages source code...,

To this

...The Caption will display directly major your table. Kind of like a title! Your station visitors with general browsers will not see the concise unless they purview your pages alpha code...

Not pretty is it? Now, let’s consider that you have replaced words with the article cloner, and added new sentences top, middle and bottom in the same style as the changed sentence above. I will tell you what will happen. Anybody reading that article will form an instant opinion (probably not a good one) of the author and article publishing site owner and most likely hit the back button on their browser faster than the land speed record!

The article cloning people may point out that the replacement word list for the particular software used was not as good as theirs. I say, it doesn't matter which version of cloning software you use, it's not going work for you. Here’s why. Nearly all words have many different meanings and can mean different things in a different context. Computers just are not smart enough to know which meaning of the word or context the author is using it in. Because of this, your article becomes mostly non-sense.

After cloning the article you are left with two choices. Submit it as it is (not a good idea if you really WANT traffic at your website), or go through the article and fix everything. Neither is a good idea if you consider that by cloning, then fixing the article, you have wasted more time than if you had simply written a new article!

Ok. So you have a ton of public domain, or PLR articles and you want to put them on your article publishing site. Rather than waste time cloning articles (most cloned articles are easy to spot and declined by article publishing site owners anyway), take a paragraph at a time and rewrite it in your own words. It is not fast and effortless, but you will get the new traffic from interested people, search engines will not see duplicate content, and you will get a good reputation as a top article writer.

Source: Jan Michaels Article Friendly
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