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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Senate Hearing Mends a Broken Relationship of DOTC and MRTC? #ExpertWriter

The latest Senate hearing was prompted by various resolutions seeking shed light the different facets of MRTC and DOTC unified responsibilities through the PPP and the Build-Lease-Transfer (BLT) Agreement as the starting point of the MRT3 Train System in EDSA.

MRTC Bob Sobrepena revealed that the government was buying the bonds up to the point it acquired 80%, thus, appointing MRTC Chairman Tomas de Leon where The Department of Transportation and Communications DOTC Secretary Emilio Abaya greatly corresponded the entire transactions.

The government appointed Chairman Tomas de Leon to pacify the ownership of this MRT3 through the foreign investors who tried to control this business transaction with the knowledge of MRTC Bob Sobrepena, in line with the agreement that it will give assurance to their unified responsibilities in the operations and management of MRT3.

It’s been noted that the two entities; MRTC and DOTC are squabbling each other because of not following each other responsibilities wherein arbitration case was filed in Singapore court for this purpose. Since then, MRTC was not on the loop anymore where the DOTC acted upon the operations as per the assessment of the government. It’s been the responsibility of the DOTC to continue the MRT3 train operations and management to survive for its function in giving the riding public good services.

What they are trying to obtain such ownership and responsibilities became the nightmare of the riding public in MRT3-EDSA. Even though the DOTC are finding the solutions of the chaos brought about by their miscommunication, blaming each other is not an option. They have to compromise and work together to put forward the MRT3 O&M and the future development thereon.

As for the maintenance issue, MRTC’s Bob SobrepeƱa pointed out those problems only arose after the DOTC terminated the contract with Sumitomo Corporation in 2012; that Sumitomo had a "single point responsibility" to design, build, and maintain the trains. The most important loss was of the single point responsibility. This loss has now led to the current state of finger-pointing. Sumitomo handled everything including parts and service. Nothing else has to be bought by the government or the private sector.
DOTC was violating the BLT Agreement that caused the MRT3 breakdowns and train system maintenance should be for Sumitomo Corporation that has knowledge of the design and maintain the trains.

PPP should be implemented amicably by both public and private entities. There will be some changes or alterations in the plans, but the compromising method should be applied for the betterment of the common good. If private entity moves only with the revenues to collect and not doing positive actions for the people, then, the government must initiate to iron-out the differences at hand. The Filipino people expected them to lead and give solutions for any problem that may be solved and acted upon.

The Senate hearing is an excellent way for MRTC and DOTC to sit down and come up with positive compromises in settling this dilapidated contract squabbling. It is a fact that people who manages businesses or corporations tends to battle their God-given talent to win and be successful. They don’t make amends just for the sake of the common employees.


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